Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind Telephone Befriending
We're the leading local mental health charity in Teesside and it's our mission that everyone in our local area has good mental health. We're committed to working with every community and individual across Middlesbrough and Stockton to ensure they can access support to improve their emotional wellbeing.

We were established in 1995 by a group of local people who wanted to provide information and activities for people in the community experiencing mental health difficulties. We're a member of the national Mind network and work within the quality standards of Mind, but all our work is delivered here in Teesside and is focused entirely on supporting the local community.

Since our inception we've worked hard to develop what we do in response to local issues. Now, we work with almost 10,000 people in Teesside every year to improve their mental health and wellbeing in lots of different ways.


Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind Telephone Befriending is part of Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind. 


We believe everybody struggling with their mental health should be able to access support quickly and easily. People’s lives can be difficult and complicated, we understand that, and we're not here to judge. Lots of different people in our community access our services and we treat everybody as an individual and strive to always do our best to help.





CARING We genuinely care about local people and the work that we do. We treat people with respect and dignity.
WELCOMING It can be difficult to ask for help and there is still much stigma associated with mental health. When people come to us for support, our response is warm and welcoming. Our staff and volunteers are helpful and friendly. We don’t judge people
TRUSTWORTHY People trust us with their personal stories. We appreciate this isn’t easy and are grateful for people’s confidence in us. We take confidentiality very seriously.
DETERMINED We are committed to finding the best support for you. We can tailor our services to meet your needs as we know finding help for mental health issues can be difficult. If we can't help you, we'll find the right support from other local organisations where needed.
PROFESSIONAL All our staff and volunteers are skilled in the work they do and are supported by us. We're constantly working to ensure our environment is safe and beneficial to you.

Our Articles

Middlesbrough and Stockton Mind Telephone Befriending
Celebrating Befriending Week at Middlesbrough and...